a.m.mateu (Antonia en)
Blog posts
As Majorcan I am ... (I)
As Majorcan I am..., I have to introduce a bit in the Balearics, especially since it is the island that I know best, Mallorca. Mallorca (from Latin insula maior, later Maiorica 'big island') is the largest island in the Balearic archipelag, which forms a single-province...
Public Transport in Copenhagen
-Calculate the number of trips rather than going to do before buying tickets. If you are staying a few days, if you think up for a bond (klippekort) loose tickets or ticket 24 hours. If you're staying in town to work or school, do the same calculation with the bonuses...
Oficialmente, ¡¡ HE ACABADO LOS EXÀMENES!!
Hola Chicos/as; Esta mañana he acabado las exámenes de Septiembre; ahora hasta Febrero nada de exámenes, aunque si clases, prácticas, trabajo...., buscar algo de becaria; (si alguien sabe alguna oferta sobre becaria de ingenieria electrónica, o relacionado, it...