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Great night with really cheap drinks!

Published by flag-gb Anonymous . — 7 years ago

You can't go to Birmingham and not go to Snobs, no it is not very sleek and posh like Broad Street, it is very casual and laid back, but always a good night! Entry ranges between £3-£5 depending on when you arrive and if you have a flyer / student card, but don't arrive too early or you will be the only one there - yes I have done this before, there were only 3 of us in the whole place for half an hour! So I wouldn't advise arriving before 11. 30pm. The club closes at 3. 30am, but there are people around outside going to the local kebab shop 'Top Nosh' for a fair while afterwards.


Snobs is not very big, with only 2 rooms, the main room focuses on indie music and other things which are in the charts, the second room has much more alternitive music. The main room has 2 bars and the smaller room has one, and it is always easy to get a drink - which are also very cheap! There is a smoking area, but you have to go back up all the stairs, so don't wear heels unless you are really comfortable in there, and don't wear sandals because sometimes people drop their beer bottles so by the end of the night there is quite a bit of glass on the floor.

Świetna noc i tanie drinki!


There are always loads of people in Snobs who are just out to have a good time, so its always a great night, make sure to say hello to the toilet attendant ladies, they are all great and have been so helpful over the years when people have had a few too many to drink. The bouncers are also great, they help out anyone who has had a bit much and are on the scene in seconds if there is ever any trouble. I wouldn't reccomend Snobs for claustrophobic people as it does get really packed in there. Definately give it a shot though - I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Świetna noc i tanie drinki!



  • Wednesdays - 'Big Wednesday'
  • Friday - 'Rag and Bone' / 'Click' Alternating Fridays
  • Saturday - 'Loaded'
  • Sunday - 'Lazy Sunday' ONLY ON BANK HOLIDAY WEEKENDS

Świetna noc i tanie drinki!


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