How much I love Berlin

I'm pleased to introduce you all in the most beautiful, amazing, breathtaking place all over the world: Berlin, the capital of Germany!

I think lots of tourists come to visit this city and take so many pictures, but nobody, in my opinion of course, has experienced it as I've done : it's a sort of deep feeling that you can neither explain nor live again. It happens once and then everything it's different, meaningless. When you will find the one that I call affectionately "heart-city" you will understand all the ardor and mettle I put in this text.

Berlin is a huge and enormous city, you can easily get lost in it because its streets and avenues are full of shops, bar, restaurants and people at each time of the day.

You can't feel alone or lonely, there's always someone to look at or to ask something to.

In my opinion it's really impossible not to fall in love with Berlin after having visited it, especially if you have experienced all its corners, all its trees, all its inhabitants' habits. For example Berlin's underground, U-Bahn, has 7 different lines and everything is so close using this public transportation. You just have to get on it and change lines to go where you prefer, but please, look around you, there's a whole animate and particular world under the foundation of Berlin's buildings : lots of people are money-poor but soul-rich.

They sing and play music, from young groups until the oldest man, from afro music until cover music and they are always smiling at you, even in their troubles or bad conditions, they stand there and show their simple pure happiness. Your and their day could maybe start different if you look at them sharing their feelings, just one time try to do this.

But Berlin is not just deep feelings of love and understanding, you can have here lots of fun especially if you are with your friends. Berlin offers you all activities possible in the world and you can choose the one that fits better with your interests.

Then of course, why not talking about its "Sehenswürdigkeiten"? Everywhere you go there's something interesting to see, especially for the history of Berlin that everybody should know. I don't like to do a guide of the city because you can find lots of this kind of books in libraries. I just like to extend my own feelings and thoughts and try to convey how meaningful is this city for me and for my life. I hope to live there some day in my future because Berlin is everything I need.

In this amazing place you can really feel free, free of thinking, of doing, of acting, of being. Nobody will recognize you or point you as foreign or "different" and you have also the possibility to meet other people, culture, traditions, opinions, views...

That's why after the first time in Berlin, there will be obviously another and another time. That's always a reason to come back. And maybe there's a reason for me to decide to stay and live there.

Berlin is an "endless" city and you will have forever something else to see, or not just to see, but to experience. Also Berlin's air and nature are an experience not to leave.

Now it's time to go, I attach some pictures as always!

See you, perhaps in Berlin!

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