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Experience in Barcelona, Spain by Anas Wasfi

Published by flag-dk Anas Wasfi Sabir — 8 years ago

0 Tags: flag-es Erasmus experiences Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

What is it like to live in Barcelona? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

Even though I love Barcelona, i wouldn't live in the city myself, simply because I think it's to expensive.
That's why I prefer Valencia, its much cheaper to live there

What is the student lifestyle like in Barcelona?

I don't know because I have never lived there, only visited, but I could imagine that it's great.

How much does it cost to live in Barcelona?

I don't know exactly, depending on the place, but it is expensive from my point of view.
In Valencia I can get a good place for 200 euros (maybe less), I think that's hard in Barcelona.

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

Im not a big fan of Spanish food, i usually cook my own food.
Sounds sad I know hehe, but it's cheaper.

What places would you recommend visiting in Barcelona?

Mount Tibidabo, the city center, the beach, the famous church, honestly almost everything in Barcelona is beautiful in my opinion.

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