Athens Beach

Published by flag-de Jan Migenda — 4 years ago

Blog: Greece is Great!
Tags: flag-gr Erasmus blog Athens, Athens, Greece

Athens Beach

On the next day, I was still waiting for the others to arrive, and so I decided to go to the beach not far away from the hotel. I just had to take a tram for 30 minutes, and there it was! On this sunny and warm day, many people were there ... a special feature: You would always see someone selling caps, hats, towels, lotions and so on (the guy with the white shirt and hat for example).

Athens Beach

The water was so blue and crystal-clear ... amazing! It invited you to jump right in! Being sea water, it was salty, so you would float quite easily. Also the sand was very fine, with some shells dug in. (However, there was some rubbish lying around, unfortunately.)

Athens Beach

Close to the beach, I found the place to eat ... it was called The Place. How convenient! I used my basic Greek skills to order a classical Greek salad for an absolutely reasonable price (actually, it was quite cheap for what I was used to), and I remember the excellent olive oil that they used, also the huge piece of Feta cheese on top of it all. Delicious together with the fresh greens!

Athens Beach

Heading back into the city centre, I came across a park with this promenade of palm trees. It made me feel as if I was in paradise! The winded paths of the park were great for exploring, and also many runners used the green oasis to escape from the city. However, I had to meet my group, so I headed back to the hotel and was excited to get to know them and go see some musea! Soon, we would see the really juicy stuff of history ... read my next posts!

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