Enrico Morales

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flag-pl Poland
flag-es Spain
Castellón De la Plana

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Castellón De la Plana
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Enrico activity

  • Forum

    Erasmus Varsovia 2017 / 2018 (Español)

    Hola, soy Enrico y estudio medicina en la UJI y el año que viene estaré todo el curso en varsovia. De momento estoy a la espera de ver si me asignan una habitación de la resi pero de no ser así me tendré que buscar alojamiento aunque sea un pelín tarde. ¿Alguien...

  • Forum

    Erasmus Warsaw 2017 / 2018 (English)

    Hi! I'm Enrico, from Spain and currently studying Medicine. This autumn I'll be going to the Medical University of Warsaw and I'll be there for a year. I don't know anyone there but hopefully it'll be really easy to meet people, feel free to message me :)

  • Roommate

    22 year old guy looking for acommodation in Warsaw

    Hi! I´m a spanish medicine student and I´m 22 years old. I´m looking for accomodation in Warsaw near to the University of Medicine (Ochota neighbourhood). I will be spending the whole next academic year from october to July. Im very outgoing and I adapt to almos...

    in Roommates Warsaw, 7 years ago

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