Enrico Morales
- Current city:
- Castellón De la Plana
- City of birth:
- Host university:
- Home university:
Enrico activity
Erasmus Varsovia 2017 / 2018 (Español)
Hola, soy Enrico y estudio medicina en la UJI y el año que viene estaré todo el curso en varsovia. De momento estoy a la espera de ver si me asignan una habitación de la resi pero de no ser así me tendré que buscar alojamiento aunque sea un pelín tarde. ¿Alguien...
por Enrico en Erasmus forum Warsaw -
Erasmus Warsaw 2017 / 2018 (English)
Hi! I'm Enrico, from Spain and currently studying Medicine. This autumn I'll be going to the Medical University of Warsaw and I'll be there for a year. I don't know anyone there but hopefully it'll be really easy to meet people, feel free to message me :)
por Enrico en Erasmus forum Warsaw -
22 year old guy looking for acommodation in Warsaw
Hi! I´m a spanish medicine student and I´m 22 years old. I´m looking for accomodation in Warsaw near to the University of Medicine (Ochota neighbourhood). I will be spending the whole next academic year from october to July. Im very outgoing and I adapt to almos...
in Roommates Warsaw, 7 years ago