Douglas Sutcliffe

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flag-fr France
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flag-ca Douglas Sutcliffe

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Douglas activity

  • Forum

    Erasmus Paris 2014 / 2015 (English)

    Hi Elena, Me and 3 of my friends are from spain, england, and canada, and we are looking for a place, and we would be happy to find other roommates to live with as well. Do you have any specific places in mind? we are having a hard time finding reasonably priced places...

  • Roommate

    2-4 exchange students looking for accommodation in Paris

    Nous sommes Canadiens et Europeans qui cherche un appartement pour les 3-4 moins de la semestre a l'ESSEC. Nous cherchons un location pour 2 a 4 personnes pour ce temp. Nous ne sommes calme mais sympa. We are 2 Canadian and 2 European exchange students looking for a...

    in Roommates Paris, 11 years ago

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