Danielly Silva
- Current city:
- Uberlândia
- City of birth:
- Brasília
- Host university:
- UP
- Home university:
Danielly activity
Erasmus Porto 2017 / 2018 (English)
Hello, I'm Dane and I'm looking for a nice room close to the city center and to metro station. I'm going to study in FMUP from September to February. If necessary, I'm ok sharing the room. Let me know if you have something
por Danielly en Erasmus forum Porto -
23 years old girl, looking for room in the center of Porto or close to the center
Hello, From September to February, I am looking for a place to live in Porto. If necessary, I can share the room. I prefer a single room in the area of city centre (15 - 20 minutes by walk) and if possible, close to some metro station. My budget is max 250 euros. I'm...
in Roommates Porto, 7 years ago