Daniele Mangraviti

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Daniele activity

  • Roommate

    24 y.o. boy looking for a flat and roommates downtown

    Hi everyone! I'm Daniele, 24 y.o. and I will study in Alicante from September to June. I'm looking for a flat downtown and for roommates (no matter if spanish or english speakers). I'm sociable, sporty and outgoing so, if you are interested, contact me! :) Hola a...

    in Roommates Alicante, 9 years ago
  • Forum

    Erasmus Alicante 2015 / 2016 (English)

    Hi everyone! I'm Daniele, 24 y.o. and I will study in Alicante from September to June. I'm looking for a flat downtown and for roommates (no matter if spanish or english speakers). I'm sociable, sporty and outgoing so, if you are interested, contact me! :)

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