Dalida SC

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Dalida activity

  • Forum

    Erasmus Valencia 2011 / 2012 (English)

    Hi! Is there anyone interested in renting a room? We are looking for roommate, the flat is 15 minutes walking to the universities and 5 to Cedro area and Blasco Ibañez. The price is 150 euros+bills. If you want to see the room just send me a message :)

  • Forum

    Erasmus Valencia 2011 / 2012 (English)

    Hi people! Is there anyone interested in a room? We are three student and we're looking for new flatmate. The flat is 10 minutes walking to the UPV and 15 to UV. The flat has everything and is very sunny. The price of the room is 160 euros+bills (around 25 euros a...

  • Forum

    Room for rent

    Room for rent in student flat :) We are looking for new flatmate. The flat is 10 minutes walking to UPV and 15 to UV. It has everything and is very sunny. The price is 160+bills (around 25 euros a month). If you want see the room just send me a message.

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