Clément Vandingenen
- Current city:
- Lille
- City of birth:
- Lille
- Host university:
- LiU
- Home university:
Clément activity
Semester at Linköping University
I was hesitating to do my Erasmus semester at Linköping University but I actually enjoyed it after all! The university is a nice place to study. The courses in Mechanical Engineering are interesting and there is a good level. Linköping is not a city neither big nor...
Experience in Lille, France. By Clément
What is it like to live in Lille? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? It is a great city close to Belgium and not far from England and the Netherlands. There are good and bad neighborhoods. What is the student lifestyle like in Lille? There are many...
21 years old guy looking for accomodation in Linkoping
Hi, I will study mechanics at Linköping university during the next winter semester. I'm looking for accommodation (single room or flat to share). I come from Polytech'Lille in France. I'm tidy and open-minded. I don't smoke and I don't have any pets. I love cars,...
in Roommates Linköping, 8 years ago