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Circée activity

  • Forum

    Erasmus Bologna 2015 / 2016 (English)

    Hello, My name is Circée I have 21 years old, I live in the South of France, I have just been graduate by a bachelor's degree in Information-Communication in Montpellier, I continue in Master's degree to the university of Bologna. I am a sociable and a dynamic person...

  • Roommate

    Circée and Nassima, 21 years, search an apartment in Bologna

    Hello, My name is Circée I have 21 years old, I live in the South of France, I have just been graduate by a bachelor's degree in Information-Communication in Montpellier, I continue in Master's degree to the university of Bologna. I am a sociable and a dynamic person...

    in Roommates Bologna, 9 years ago
  • Roommate

    Circée et Nassima 21ans, recherche un logement à Bologne

    Bonjour,Je m'appelle Circée j'ai 21ans, je vis dans le sud de la France, je viens d'être diplomée d'une licence Information-Communication à Montpellier, je me prépare donc à continuer mon Master à l'université de Bologne. Je suis une personne sociable, dynamique...

    in Roommates Bologna, 9 years ago

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