Charlotte activity
Hola Carla, Lo siento para mi repuesta tardia. No he visto tu mensaje. Sera mi primera vez in Mexico. Me voy a Tech de Monterrey para mis estudios de diseno. Si necesito tu ayuda te diré. Lo siento para mi malo espanol, solia hablar Inglès ahora. Cheers ! :)
por Charlotte en Erasmus forum Lyon -
Salut Karla, moi je suis française et je vais venir étudier à Monterrey au Mexique. Je peux t'aider si tu veux pour préparer le voyage ! Tu peux me contacter sur linkedin : Charlotte Marie. Cheers !
por Charlotte en Erasmus forum Lyon -
Javier Lopez => This Oceane Ginette Maria Renouf also contact me one week ago, Thanks to Léa Charpentier nothing happened ! I can give you her (his?) email (I can't event put mail in this comment because the website is blocking me...), she is probably using another...
por Charlotte en Erasmus forum Milan -
21 years old girl looking for accomodation in Geneva.
Hello ! I am a French Student currently studying in 3rd year Industrial Design in India, speaking french, english and spanish fluently. I am looking for a living and friendly place to share with other persons during my 6 month internship in Geneva. I am someone...
in Roommates Geneva, 10 years ago