Antoine Blouin

Following these cities

flag-fr France

flag-fr Antoine Blouin

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Antoine activity

  • Experience

    Experience in Vannes, France by Antoine

    What is it like to live in Vannes? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Vannes is a very beatiful city, whith a nice harbor and an old history city. I recommend valseuse bar and lot of little restaurant.What is the student lifestyle like in Vannes? The...

  • Roommate

    Looking for roommate

    Hi my name is antoine, I'm french student. I'm looking for housing in faro cause i will make a training period at the university. I prefer to share a flat with other people (Portuguese, english, french, spanish ect...), I don't mind.  just...

    in Roommates Faro, 11 years ago

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