Annabelle Fozard
- Current city:
- Newcastle Upon Tyne
- City of birth:
- Host university:
- UC
- Home university:
Annabelle activity
Experience in Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom by Annabelle
What is it like to live in Newcastle Upon Tyne? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? One of the best cities in the UK hands down!What is the student lifestyle like in Newcastle Upon Tyne? Great! Super affordable and so much to do/explore.How much does it cost...
20 y/o girl looking for accommodation in Coimbra
Hi! I'm 20 years old and currently studying at Spanish and Portuguese at Newcastle University:-) I'm looking for accommodation from September 2019 - February 2020 as I'll be studying in Coimbra first semester. I speak Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and English, so...
in Roommates Coimbra, 5 years ago