Anna Giulivi

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Anna activity

  • Roommate

    Room for students in Perugia historic centre

    Living in Perugia in a large apartment, looking for a person  who prefers  to be accommodate by a family,  Italian speaking. I'm available to arrange meals, transfer, trips and  can help  for any need the person may have while  staying here. no preferences  about...

    in Roommates Perugia, 10 years ago
  • Experience

    Experience in University of Perugia, Italy by Anna

    Source Generally, what is University of Perugia like? First of all, the location: an old elegant palace in one of the most beautiful area of historic district, the Palazzo Gallenga, in the Piazza Fortebraccio which has in its front the magnificent Arco Etrusco. And...

  • Experience

    Experience in Perugia, Italy by Anna

    What is it like to live in Perugia? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? I live in Perugia since 1982 and I can say that my love for this towns has increased year by year. I find that Perugia is special: the streets, the squares, the stones of the old palaces...

  • Place

    Yogurteria Yo Perugia

    Recently opened  yogurteria, located in the central Via Baglioni, an excellent place where to taste a delicious frozen or natural yogurt, and  crepes, hot chocolate, nutella, and lots of sweet sweet delicious food.  Free wi fi, tv, young staff and environment. You...

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