flag-fr Anissa Zerrouki

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Anissa activity

  • Experience

    Erasmus Experience in Caen, France by Anissa

    Source Why did you choose to go to Caen, France? Caen is my hometown. How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs? I don't know about that because I am French so I guess it's different for Erasmus students. What is the...

  • Roommate

    Ready to share a flat and spend the best year of your life ?

    International Students WELCOME !! If you wanna spend THE most unforgettable erasmus year ever, you've just found the perfect buddies :) We are Julia and Anissa. We spent a year abroad as well and it was definitely the best year of our lives ! Now that we came back, we...

    in Roommates Rennes, 11 years ago
  • Forum

    JOENSUU-Please I need some tips !!

    I'll be coming to Finland from January to July 2012 and I'd appreciate if you could give me some advices. First of all : How is Finland ?! Lots of things organised for students ? The weather isn't too depressing ? How are Finish people ? Do they speak...

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