Andrea Magazzini
- Current city:
- Genoa
- City of birth:
- Host university:
- Home university:
Andrea activity
Hi Barbara! Check your email for the pick up, I wrote to you yesterday. About your friend I can inform and let you know but I think it will not be a problem to host her in the residence. See you soon, Andrea
por Andrea en Erasmus forum Genoa -
Esperienza a Genova, Italia da Andrea
Come ti sembra la vita a Genoa? La consiglieresti? Com'è la città? Sono nato a Genova e devo dire che l'ho rivalutata parecchio dopo la mia esperienza Erasmus, ritornato nella mia città mi sono accorto di parti di essa che prima avevo sotto gli occhi e nemmeno...
HERMES - Genoa 2014\2015 Face book group
Or on face you can find me, blues brothers in photo ;)
por Andrea en Erasmus forum Genoa -
HERMES - Genoa 2014\2015 Face book group
This site doesn't permit me to link it, write me on email genova at
por Andrea en Erasmus forum Genoa -
Erasmus Genova 2014 / 2015 (English)
Hello everyone! I'm from ESN Genova, a group of voluntary students from Genova that helps erasmus people organizing activities and events for them. See you soon
por Andrea en Erasmus forum Genoa -
HERMES - Genoa 2014\2015 Face book group
Hi Angel! I'm from ESN Genova and we already have a group for the erasmus of next year, this is it: ESN Erasmus Genova 14/15 (Official) See you soon in Genova and if you need help I suggest you search on our site
por Andrea en Erasmus forum Genoa