Ana Pérez

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flag-nl Netherlands

flag-es Ana Pérez

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Ana activity

  • Forum

    Erasmus Utrecht 2018 / 2019 (English)

    Hi people! offer:  I'll be Utrecht from February to June (2019); so if any of you is there for the first semester (sept-feb) we could exchange in a flat, that way, the landlady/lord will have the flat covered for the entire year. send me a private message if youre...

  • Forum

    Erasmus Cadiz 2018 / 2019 (English)

    Hey people. offer that may interest you: I'm from Cadiz and I'll study here from September to February, but in February I'm leaving for my Erasmus in Utretch. If any of you is arriving in February we could exchange for each other in a flat I can find here (renting face...

  • Roommate

    [Utrecht] Shared flat from February 2019 on?

    Halo! I'm a 20yo student from Spain. I'm heading to the UU on the second semester so I'll be there in February 2019 and I'll leave by the end of June. I've been sharing flats for three years now so I can kinda adapt to anything. I'm not a neat freak neither a...

    in Roommates Utrecht, 6 years ago

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