ali usama

Following these cities

flag-kg Kyrgyzstan

flag-kg ali usama

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ali activity

  • Experience

    Independence day of KYRGYZSTAN

    Today, on 31 August the independence day celebrations held in Bishkek. An awesome view band sight worth seeing. Really enjoyed this. previously I was in china on 2019 when their new year celebrations hels. But this time its awesome. I am moving there in September and...

  • Roommate

    21 year old boy, student looking for accomodation, flate, room, shared flat or room

    I'm a 21 year old medical student. I am in search of accomodation of any type, roommate ot flatemate etc. If you have space then do tell me. I don't smoke and don't drink and hate it also. I study and prefer a fellow who also like to study and don't make much noise.

    in Roommates Bishkek, 3 years ago
  • Roommate

    19 years old boy looking for roommate

    I'm 19/ years old . i can speak chinese, English . i need a roommate for flat. I'm a student. i study in bishkek. i am medical student. i need good amd peaceful roommates. i previously have experience of living in hostel and abroad. i need local or foreigners roommates....

    in Roommates Bishkek, 5 years ago

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