Alexantros Gauguet
- Current city:
- Limoges
- City of birth:
- Boulogne-Billancourt
- Host university:
- Home university:
Alexantros activity
Erasmus Experience in Limoges, France by Alexantros
Why did you choose to go to Limoges, France? My only choice... I wanted to go erasmus! How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs? 450 per month What is the student lifestyle like in Limoges? Calm. Source Would you...
21 years old guy from greece searching for accomodation in Limoges
I am Alexandros Gauguet and i am going to Limoges in 1 month.I am searching for a dorm or an appartment to stay.I dont have really problem about the type of my roommate but i am playing an instrument so he has to know that, before coming to stay with me. I am...
in Roommates Limoges, 10 years ago