Alexandros Ignatiadis

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flag-de Germany

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flag-gr Alexandros Ignatiadis

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Alexandros activity

  • Roommate

    Looking for accommondation in Budapest

    Hello everybody I'm Alex from Greece and I'm searching for accommondation for a short-time period. More specifically I'll be in Budapest on the 12th of September and I'll stay for 2 months maximum. If there is any available room , or if somebody is looking for a roomate...

    in Roommates Budapest, 2 years ago
  • Roommate

    Contact me through Facebook or Instagram : Alexandros Ignatiadis .

    We are two guys looking for accommodation in Berlin for a semester.(April-August) We are willing to meet new people and their culture, make some new friends and have fun staying half a year abroad. The type of accommodation We are looking for something cheap, with a...

    in Roommates Berlin, 4 years ago

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