Lena Sunshine

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  • Ort


    Lissabon ist einer der schönsten und sonnigsten Städte Europas. Es ist eine multikulturelle Ort, die einem dass Gefühl gibt man spaziert durch eine nicht-europäische, exotische Stadt. Der beste Weg die Stadt zu erkundigen ist per Fuß. Da das Wetter schön und...

  • Blog

    For starters we have... :)

    Today I am going to share a small recipe for dinner. A solution for if you have some leftover potatoes and you don't feel like pasta or pizza. (The amount of food this recipe will produce is normally for 4 to 5 people, depending on your hunger, age and amount of food...

    0 por Lena en Erasmus Rezepte
  • Blog

    Some reason behind this conclusion!

    Well for starters I want to talk a little bit about this blog I am going to start. My Mum is almost never home so I always had to make something up to cook for my siblings, at first my recipes weren't so tasty but very fast I became kind of good. Every time I cooked I...

    0 por Lena en Erasmus Rezepte
  • Erfahrung

    A little inside of the Mongolian Capital

    Mongolia. Ulaanbaatar. The country itself is a vast landscape full of little wonders and unique beauty. The city, the capital, well so very different from the rest of the country, it could be an island. It is very modernized but you still can feel and see some of the...

  • Ort

    Praça da República

    It is where students meet, start the night or just hang out, sing songs and play the guitar. It is where the pulsing night life rises. It is the center of the city, from here everything is close by. It is a big round plaza, a roundabout, with beautiful old cobblestones...

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