Atividade de Marta
The Kindergartens in Denmark
KINDERGARTENS The institutions around Denmark have their inspiration in some keyconcepts, like care, nature, emotions and socializing. Also in some theories like Critical Theory, theories about the competent child inspired by Stern and Gardner and the Appreciative...
Find the Right Path in the Educational World.
P R E S E N T A T I O Nma r t a mo r g a d o The little girl that dreamed in became a teacher is now graduated and looking for the most gratifying, improbable and enriching experiences. I'm graduated in pre-school and primary, since 2019 and my eagerness for knowledge,...
My growth as a internship teacher
It was through reflection and questioning that I was able to find more efficient strategies, to perceive the less positive aspects of the practice, and to find solutions to improve the intervention. Through the analysis of everyday life, solving immediate problems, but...
The educational culture in Denmark, Esbjerg
In Denmark the educational system proposes that the role of education and theeducational community should provide situations through which children feelthe need to act. The Common Sense Pedagogy by Célestin Freinet (1996)recognize the child as the center of education,...
Into Budapest through Interrail
Buda ou Peste? Porque não as duas juntas? Cidade incrivel, inundada de cultura e diversidade! Foi através de um interrail pela a Europa que dei com a capital da Hungria, Budapeste.Esta cidade, dividida pelo rio Danúbio, mostra-nos como viver entre a diversidade, a...
An experience in Denmark, Educational path
Education is a space of sharing, integration, interaction, construction,knowledge, learning. With education we learn to live together, to overcomeobstacles. We have learned that understanding and tolerance are dailyexercises that require attention and we learn that...
Novas fotos em Vejle
galería atualizada, há 5 anos -
aRoS Museam
Toda a gente conhece este museu pelo topo do mesmo, com uma volta de 360º, podemos ver toda a cidade em diferente cores! Sem dúvida a atração principal do museu. Mas... assim que entramos no mesmo, percebemos que é um MUNDO. Pisos e pisos de exposições,...