Masters i Luiss Business School Roma
MasterFull-Time MBA
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rzym , Włochy
1 year
30000 €
It is an intensive programme that enables participants to develop a business strategy that includes creativity, international orientation, ethics and social responsibility, and to face the new challenges of worldwide leaders.
Tags: Magisterskie w Rzym, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Roma, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Administracja biznesu, Magisterskie w Studia biznesowe,
MasterMaster in Gestione delle Risorse Umane e Organizzazione
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rzym , Włochy
1 year
16000 €
Learn the main HR Management practices and the dynamics that govern the management of human capital and how to address the main challenges that human resources directorates face.
Tags: Magisterskie w Rzym, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Roma, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi, Magisterskie w Zasoby ludzkie, Magisterskie w Studia administracyjne,
MasterDigital Marketing - Major of the Master in Marketing Management
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rzym , Włochy
1 year
16000 €
The most innovative tools to improve the commercial and communication processes of companies and organizations, with particular attention to the activities and tools of digital marketing and social communication.
Tags: Magisterskie w Rzym, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Roma, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Marketing cyfrowy, Magisterskie w Marketing, Magisterskie w Marketing,
MasterSport Management - Major of the Master in Media and Entertainment
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rzym , Włochy
1 year
16000 €
The necessary knowledge to operate successfully in the sports industry and the skills necessary to compete not only in the sports industry, but also to seize the opportunities of other related businesses.
Tags: Magisterskie w Rzym, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Roma, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Zarządzanie w sporcie, Magisterskie w Biznes w sporcie, Magisterskie w Sport,
MasterWriting School for Cinema & Television - Major of the Master in Media and Entertainment
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rzym , Włochy
1 year
14000 €
How to recognize patterns, narrative structures and recurring themes in the free creative force of what attracts, amuses, surprises and moves us. The design, writing and realization, in all its phases, of a short film or the pilot of a series.
Tags: Magisterskie w Rzym, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Roma, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Media i komunikacja, Magisterskie w Media, Magisterskie w Dziennikarstwo i komunikacja masowa,
MasterMusic - Major of the Master in Media and Entertainment
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rzym , Włochy
1 year
14000 €
All the skills to work in the music sector: music writing and composition, music business management, production and arrangement, artist management, design of musical events. Participants will be provided with tools to understand the music industry.
Tags: Magisterskie w Rzym, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Roma, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Media i komunikacja, Magisterskie w Media, Magisterskie w Dziennikarstwo i komunikacja masowa,
MasterBig Data and Management
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rzym , Włochy
1 year
16000 €
The Master in Big Data and Management prepares students to work effectively with complex, large-scale, real-world data and to create business value from it.
Tags: Magisterskie w Rzym, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Roma, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Technologia i inżynieria, Magisterskie w Studia zawodowe,
MasterFashion Management - Major of the Master in Fashion, Luxury and Tourism Management
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rzym , Włochy
1 year
16000 €
The Major draws on Italy’s position at the cutting edge of the fashion industry and provides participants with a deep knowledge of the competences needed to excel in such a thriving environment.
Tags: Magisterskie w Rzym, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Roma, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Zarządzanie modą, Magisterskie w Studia z zarządzania,
MasterLuxury Management - Major of the Master in Fashion, Luxury and Tourism Management
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rzym , Włochy
1 year
16000 €
The Major is designed to provide participants with a deep understanding of the luxury industry and what its customers want. Students will acquire innovation and creativity skills alongside the analytical and managerial approaches.
Tags: Magisterskie w Rzym, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Roma, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Zarządzanie dobrami luksusowymi, Magisterskie w Studia z zarządzania,
MasterGestione della Produzione Cinematografica e Televisiva - Major of the Master in Media and Entertainment
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rzym , Włochy
1 year
14000 €
The Major provides advanced training for the management and commercial development of film, television and audiovisual achievements, combining technical and artistic knowledge with managerial skills.
Tags: Magisterskie w Rzym, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Roma, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Produkcja telewizyjna, Magisterskie w Studia telewizyjne, Magisterskie w Dziennikarstwo i komunikacja masowa,
MasterProject Management for Development Cooperation – Major of the Master in Project Management
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rzym , Włochy
1 year
16000 €
The master is designed to acquire the methodological and operational, technical and economic tools necessary to plan, monitor and control project initiatives, with a focus on development cooperation and humanitarian interventions.
Tags: Magisterskie w Rzym, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Roma, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Zarządzanie projektem, Magisterskie w Studia z zarządzania,
MasterExecutive Master in Circular Economy Management
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rzym , Włochy
1 year
10000 €
It prepares professionals able to operate in the markets of end-of-life product management, recycling, secondary raw materials, energy saving, sustainable mobility, in the implementation of industrial symbiosis projects.
Tags: Magisterskie w Rzym, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Roma, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Administracja, biznes i ekonomia, Magisterskie w Studia zawodowe,
MasterSustainable Mobility - Major of the Executive Master in Circular Economy Management
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rzym , Włochy
1 year
10000 €
It aims to investigate and analyze the context of "new mobility", through a complete overview of new technologies enabling mobility, the most innovative forms of electrification, digital applications and new business models.
Tags: Magisterskie w Rzym, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Roma, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Zrównoważone zarządzanie, Magisterskie w Zrównoważona ekonomia, Magisterskie w Zrównoważony rozwój,
MasterTourism Management - Major of the Master in Fashion, Luxury and Tourism Management
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rzym , Włochy
1 year
16000 €
The Major offers an exciting learning experience to turn students’ passion for the tourism industry into a competitive skill on the job market.
Tags: Magisterskie w Rzym, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Roma, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Zarządzanie w turystyce, Magisterskie w Turystyka, Magisterskie w Turystyka i hotelarstwo,
MasterCorporate Finance - Major of the Master in Financial Management
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rzym , Włochy
1 year
16000 €
The Major is a highly specialised degree designed for those who want to pursue a career in the corporate finance divisions in Corporate Finance & Banking.
Tags: Magisterskie w Rzym, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Roma, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Zarządzanie finansami, Magisterskie w Finanse, Magisterskie w Ekonomika,
MasterInternational Management
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rzym , Włochy
1 year
16000 €
The Master is a practice-oriented programme aimed at young graduates motivated to become global managers. It combines theory and practice, bridges academia and industry, and integrates hard and soft skills.
Tags: Magisterskie w Rzym, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Roma, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Zarządzanie międzynarodowe, Magisterskie w Studia z zarządzania,
MasterExecutive Programme in Management dei Sistemi di Rappresentanza
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rzym , Włochy
Request info
5000 €
Un programma di 5 settimane che fornisce un set di strumenti e competenze necessarie alla comprensione delle dinamiche organizzative e istituzionali del network associativo, al fine di sostenerne lo sviluppo.
Tags: Magisterskie w Rzym, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Roma, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Studia nad rozwojem, Magisterskie w Badania migracji, Magisterskie w Nauki społeczne,
MasterBusiness Transformation - Major of the Master in Management and Technology
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rzym , Włochy
1 year
16000 €
It develops digital capabilities, managerial skills and leadership techniques required to succeed in firms operating in the digital ecosystem or in businesses undergoing a digital transformation process.
Tags: Magisterskie w Rzym, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Roma, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Zarządzanie technologią, Magisterskie w Studia technologiczne,
MasterGlobal supply chain management - Major of The Master in Management and Technology
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rzym , Włochy
1 year
16000 €
The Major is designed to form managers to implement and manage supply chains at a global level with a focus on technology.
Tags: Magisterskie w Rzym, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Roma, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Zarządzanie łańcuchem dostaw, Magisterskie w Zarządzanie globalnym łańcuchem dostaw, Magisterskie w Studia z zarządzania,
MasterGlobal Health Management - Major of the Master in International Management
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rzym , Włochy
1 year
16000 €
The Major is a practice-oriented program that prepares talented graduates to kick-start their international careers in the healthcare industry. The program focuses on equipping students with the required knowledge and skills to address complex and multidi
Tags: Magisterskie w Rzym, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Roma, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Zarządzanie międzynarodowe, Magisterskie w Studia z zarządzania,
MasterFashion and Luxury Business – Major of the Master in Fashion, Luxury and Tourism Management
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rzym , Włochy
1 year
16000 €
The Major gives students a deep overview of the competences and knowledge needed to excel in such a thriving environment. The programme balances managerial courses with more strategic and creative lectures.
Tags: Magisterskie w Rzym, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Roma, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Biznes luksusowy, Magisterskie w Studia biznesowe,
MasterCustomer Experience Management – Major of the Master in Marketing Management
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rzym , Włochy
1 year
16000 €
The Major aims at providing a real understanding of the customer and the variables that influence its experience in the multiple interactions with the company.
Tags: Magisterskie w Rzym, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Roma, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Zarządzanie marketingowe, Magisterskie w Marketing, Magisterskie w Marketing,
MasterMarketing Management - Major of the Executive Master in Marketing
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rzym , Włochy
1 year
12000 €
The Major is a highly professional educational programme which aim to provide knowledge and tools to understand, manage and take advantage of the today’s complex competitive environment.
Tags: Magisterskie w Rzym, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Roma, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Zarządzanie marketingowe, Magisterskie w Marketing, Magisterskie w Marketing,