Masters i Administracja, biznes i ekonomia
OnlineMasterMBA Máster en Administración y Dirección de Empresas
Instituto Superior Europeo de Barcelona (ISEB)‣ Barcelona , Hiszpania
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1 year
1250 €
El MBA te proporcionará conocimientos en marketing, finanzas, recursos humanos, aprovisionamiento, comunicación y gestión del talento, implantación y formulación de estrategias de éxito basadas en las necesidades de cada organización.
Tags: Magisterskie w Barcelona Online, Magisterskie w Instituto Superior Europeo de Barcelona Online, Magisterskie w Hiszpania Online, Magisterskie w Administracja, biznes i ekonomia Online, Magisterskie w Studia zawodowe Online,
MasterExecutive Master in Circular Economy Management
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rzym , Włochy
1 year
10000 €
It prepares professionals able to operate in the markets of end-of-life product management, recycling, secondary raw materials, energy saving, sustainable mobility, in the implementation of industrial symbiosis projects.
Tags: Magisterskie w Rzym, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Roma, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Administracja, biznes i ekonomia, Magisterskie w Studia zawodowe,
MScMaster in International Business
Politécnico de Leiria (Politécnico de Leiria)‣ Leiria , Portugalia
2 years
1140 €
This Master allows graduate students to continue studying emphasizing international business.
Tags: Magisterskie w Leiria, Magisterskie w Politécnico de Leiria, Magisterskie w Portugalia, Magisterskie w Administracja, biznes i ekonomia, Magisterskie w Studia zawodowe,
MScMaster in Economics
ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management (ISEG)‣ Lizbona , Portugalia
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5750 €
The MSc in Economics is intended to complement and to deepen first-cycle education provided by a first-cycle degree in economics.
Tags: Magisterskie w Lizbona, Magisterskie w ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management, Magisterskie w Portugalia, Magisterskie w Administracja, biznes i ekonomia, Magisterskie w Studia zawodowe,
MasterMaster’s in Management and International Master’s in Management
Nova School of Business and Economics (NOVA SBE)‣ Lizbona , Portugalia
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13250 €
With Master’s in Management, we will take you out of your comfort zone and challenge you to be the best you can. Take a step further in your education and dive deep in management courses to sharpen your executive mind.
Tags: Magisterskie w Lizbona, Magisterskie w Nova School of Business and Economics, Magisterskie w Portugalia, Magisterskie w Administracja, biznes i ekonomia, Magisterskie w Studia zawodowe,
MasterMaster in Economics
Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Porto (FEP)‣ Porto , Portugalia
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The Master offers complementary education in economic sciences at the University of Porto
Tags: Magisterskie w Porto, Magisterskie w Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Porto, Magisterskie w Portugalia, Magisterskie w Administracja, biznes i ekonomia, Magisterskie w Studia zawodowe,
MScMaster in Management
Politécnico de Leiria (Politécnico de Leiria)‣ Leiria , Portugalia
18 months
1140 €
Holders of an undergraduate degree or a legal equivalent In Business or related fields.
Tags: Magisterskie w Leiria, Magisterskie w Politécnico de Leiria, Magisterskie w Portugalia, Magisterskie w Administracja, biznes i ekonomia, Magisterskie w Studia zawodowe,