Masters i Zarządzanie międzynarodowe
MasterInternational Management
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rzym , Włochy
1 year
16000 €
The Master is a practice-oriented programme aimed at young graduates motivated to become global managers. It combines theory and practice, bridges academia and industry, and integrates hard and soft skills.
Tags: Magisterskie w Rzym, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Roma, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Zarządzanie międzynarodowe, Magisterskie w Studia z zarządzania,
MasterInternational Management
Luiss Business School Amsterdam (Luiss BS Amsterdam)‣ Amsterdam , Holandia
1 year
16000 €
Held in Milan and Amsterdam. Students will match strong business fundamental skills with real-world situations and acquire all the tools they need to succeed in today’s complex world.
Tags: Magisterskie w Amsterdam, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Amsterdam, Magisterskie w Holandia, Magisterskie w Zarządzanie międzynarodowe, Magisterskie w Studia z zarządzania,
MasterInternational Management
Luiss Business School Milano (Luiss BS Milano)‣ Mediolan , Włochy
1 year
16000 €
Held in Milan and Amsterdam. Students will match strong business fundamental skills with real-world situations and acquire all the tools they need to succeed in today’s complex world.
Tags: Magisterskie w Mediolan, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Milano, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Zarządzanie międzynarodowe, Magisterskie w Studia z zarządzania,
MasterGlobal Health Management - Major of the Master in International Management
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rzym , Włochy
1 year
16000 €
The Major is a practice-oriented program that prepares talented graduates to kick-start their international careers in the healthcare industry. The program focuses on equipping students with the required knowledge and skills to address complex and multidi
Tags: Magisterskie w Rzym, Magisterskie w Luiss Business School Roma, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Zarządzanie międzynarodowe, Magisterskie w Studia z zarządzania,
MScMaster in Management
European School of Economics - Milan Campus (ESE Milan)‣ Mediolan , Włochy
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15 months
28000 €
Build your career in International Management and Internationalization. You'll have access to all our campuses located in downtown Milan, Madrid, London, New York, Florence and Rome.
Tags: Magisterskie w Mediolan, Magisterskie w European School of Economics - Milan Campus, Magisterskie w Włochy, Magisterskie w Zarządzanie międzynarodowe, Magisterskie w Studia z zarządzania,
MasterMBA in International Management
Kozminski University (KU)‣ Warszawa , Polska
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The MBA covers all the functional areas of management and provides a multicultural hands-on experience.
Tags: Magisterskie w Warszawa, Magisterskie w Kozminski University, Magisterskie w Polska, Magisterskie w Zarządzanie międzynarodowe, Magisterskie w Studia z zarządzania,