Actividad de Tihana
Experience in Zagreb, Croatia by Tihana
What is it like to live in Zagreb? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Zagreb has almost one million people and it is the largest Croatian city. Comparing with other European cities it is safe and not so expensive. The city is very nice and similar to other...
Erasmus Experience in Cartagena, Spain by Tihana
Why did you choose to go to Cartagena, Spain? Because I was writing my graduation thesis there and my professor in Croatia had a colleague that is teaching in Cartagena and I was interested in scientific area of this professor. How long is the scholarship? How much...
Erasmus Cartagena 2012 / 2013 (English)
Hi everybody, I will be in Cartagena from march 2013. :) See you there!
por Tihana en Foro Erasmus Cartagena