Actividad de Pino
Living in Sassari
Alghero is a little more expensive, the cost for food are more or less the same, but you will find lot of problem in finding a flat in alghero, cuz you're arriving during the summer period and alghero is a touristic have to consider also that alghero during...
por Pino en Foro Erasmus Sassari -
Living in Sassari
Ahaha ma ga zilchendi francè! Sono iscritto qui dall'anno scorso, prima di partire per PragaBythe way, all the informations Francesca gave to you are correct =) Hope you will enjoy the city at least a little =)
por Pino en Foro Erasmus Sassari -
Erasmus Sassari 2012 / 2013 (Español)
Hola! Soy un estudiante que vive en Sassari, ablo poco espagnol, pero ablo escribir si necesita mas informacion
por Pino en Foro Erasmus Sassari -
Living in Sassari
Hey, i'm a student who lives in Sassari right can rent rooms for something about 200€ + all the expenditure...i guess with 300€ you can find good places!Food it depends...the canteen cost less than 3.5 euro each time and the food it's quite good! But if...
por Pino en Foro Erasmus Sassari -
casa a pragaa
Ale sono nella tua stessa situazione...però o penso di andare al CULS per il primo mese,,,perchè proprio nn riesco a rovare casa da qui
por Pino en Foro Erasmus Praga -
Praha Drinking Olympics 2011/12
Hey... well I'm from Sardinia...we're the most consumer of beer in italy XD but that's our typical drink: the one we drink in sardinia is homemade and contains something like 60/70 % alcohol
por Pino en Foro Erasmus Praga -
Erasmus Sassari 2011 / 2012 (Español)
I live in sassari, if you have to come to sassari I suggest you to take a flight from barcellona or madrid to alghero with RYANAIR sorry I don't know spanish I hope it is helpfull for you, if you have any question ask me... in english or I won't understand XD
por Pino en Foro Erasmus Sassari -
Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)
I started to study english at 14! that's because in italy english began mandatory in primary school not many years ago... so I studied french at junior high...and I studied it with bad teacher my french a little sucks XD
por Pino en Foro Erasmus Praga -
Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)
Ahahahaa I'm just curious about the italian guy with the sunglasses..really it's funny... cuz yeah we use a lot sunglasses but for example in my region just a little part of the guys is always using sunglasses even if it's raining...they're the one we...
por Pino en Foro Erasmus Praga -
Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)
Ahahahaha I've seen that kind of italian guys too XD
por Pino en Foro Erasmus Praga -
Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)
I hope the beer tour is included in the orientation week!
por Pino en Foro Erasmus Praga -
Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)
I've decided to stay at the culs campus at first,then we will see what to do, the guy of my university who was in prague last year said it was cool at culs...let's see if it is true
por Pino en Foro Erasmus Praga -
Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)
I'll be in prague from septembedr to february (ho in inglese per fare capire acnhe agli altri)
por Pino en Foro Erasmus Praga -
Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)
Jakub sorry so culs is in the perifery? is it far from city center? and is it well linked with the city center?
por Pino en Foro Erasmus Praga -
Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)
Francesco: no io parto a settembre e ci starò sei mesi circa however guys does anyone know how CULS dorm are?
por Pino en Foro Erasmus Praga -
Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)
Hey i'm Pino... I'm italian =) i'll be in prague at CULS in september..someone else?
por Pino en Foro Erasmus Praga