Zosia Ossowska

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flag-pl Poland
flag-tr Turkey

Roommates Zosia

  • looking for affordable accommodation in Catania

    Hello, My name is Zofia I am an incoming MA Erasmus students from Poland and I am going to study political sciences at the University of Catania this year. I am here, because I am searching for accomodation near the university zone. I prioritize the fact that the...

    5 years ago
  • two students of BA degree and one PhD are looking for accomodation in ANkara

    Hi there! we are three girls from Poland who are going to spend 5 months in Ankara on Erasmus exchange programme at Hacettepe University. we are looking for accomodation, bathroom and kitchen provided also with the Internet and Tv acces. me and my friends don't smoke,...

    10 years ago

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