Valentin Ramonat

Following these cities

flag-es Spain
Puerto Real

Roommates Valentin

  • 22 yo Guy looks for Room in Puerto Real

    Hello, i am a very unproblematic, optimistic and open-minded person that is friendly and not party shy. I dont like living in the dirt. I dont speak very good spanish but i am looking to improve. I am a pretty good english speaker so the first conversations wont be that...

    6 years ago
  • 22 year old Dude looks for accomodation in Cadiz

    I am a german dude that can also speak english and a tiny bit of spanish. I like sports, partys or just hanging out together. I dont have many conditions for my flat besides that it should have already furniture in it. I am looking for a room in a flat with other...

    6 years ago

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