Paola de la Iglesia

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Roommates Paola

  • Two 21 years old girls looking for a flat/flatmates in Madrid

    My name is Paola de la Iglesia, We are two spanish students interested in living with erasmus people to continue improving our english (after our erasmus year in Scotland). We  can also teach you spanish, show you the most amazing places in Madrid and help you with...

    9 years ago
  • Two 21 years old girls looking for a flat/flatmates in Madrid

    My name is Paola de la Iglesia. We are two spanish students interested in living with erasmus people to continue improving our english (after our erasmus year in Scotland). We  can also teach you spanish, show you the most amazing places in Madrid and help you with...

    9 years ago
  • Erasmus student is looking other international students for live in Glasgow next year

    Hi!! I'm Paola, i will go to Glasgow for erasmus and i would like to live with students who don't speak spanish because i really want improve my english and know other cultures. I don't have any problem to live with girls or boys. I will study in University of...

    10 years ago

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