Nhung Nguyen

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flag-nl Netherlands
The Hague

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Roommates Nhung

  • 18 year old girl looking for accommodation in The Hague

    My name is Trang Nhung and I'm planning to move to Den Haag in the end of August to start my study at Inholland. I'm 18 and come from Vietnam. I'm easygoing, friendly, open-minded, tidy, and not noisy. I respect others' privacy and hope the others would do that to me...

    5 years ago
  • 18 year old girl looking for accommodation in The Hague

    Hi, my name is Nhung and I'm 18 years old. I'm looking for an accommodation in The Hague as I'm moving there on 22 August to start my study at Inholland Hogeschool. I'm easygoing, independent, and tidy. I like learning about local culture, hanging out, and playing...

    5 years ago

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