Masters in Energy Studies
MasterMaster en Energías Renovables y Mercado Energético
Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI)‣ Madrid , Spain
10 months
15400 €
Te capacita para desarrollar tu trayectoria profesional en compañías de energías renovables, ingeniería y consultoría energética, eléctricas y servicios energéticos.
Tags: Masters in Madrid, Masters in Escuela de Organización Industrial, Masters in Spain, Masters in Sustainable Energy, Masters in Energy, Masters in Energy Studies,
MasterSustainability and Energy Industry - Major of the Master in International Management
Luiss Business School Milano (Luiss BS Milano)‣ Milan , Italy
1 year
16000 €
The Master focuses on the transfer of basic knowledge about the Energy industry as well as developing a thorough knowledge of the Energy ecosystem.
Tags: Masters in Milan, Masters in Luiss Business School Milano, Masters in Italy, Masters in Sustainable Energy, Masters in Energy, Masters in Energy Studies,
MScMaster in Energy and Environmental Engineering
Politécnico de Leiria (Politécnico de Leiria)‣ Leiria , Portugal
2 years
697 €
Holders of an undergraduate degree or a legal equivalent in engineering or technology
Tags: Masters in Leiria, Masters in Politécnico de Leiria, Masters in Portugal, Masters in Green Studies, Masters in Energy Studies,
OnlineMasterMáster en Gestión Eficiente de las Energías Renovables
Escuela Internacional de Posgrados (EIP)‣ Malaga , Spain
1 year
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Te capacitará para diseñar y gestionar instalaciones de energías renovables adaptadas a las necesidades del usuario final y de la disponibilidad del recurso energético que corresponda.
Tags: Masters in Malaga Online, Masters in Escuela Internacional de Posgrados Online, Masters in Spain Online, Masters in Sustainable Energy Online, Masters in Energy Online, Masters in Energy Studies Online,
MasterMaster’s in Nuclear Energy (Nuclear Engineering)
Université Paris-Saclay (PARIS-SACLAY)‣ Paris , France
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International Master’s which aims to provide high calibre foreign and French students with the key knowledge necessary for the nuclear industry and the production of low-carbon electricity.
Tags: Masters in Paris, Masters in Université Paris-Saclay, Masters in France, Masters in Nuclear Energy Engineering, Masters in Energy Engineering, Masters in Energy Studies,
MasterMestrado em Energias Sustentáveis
Porto Superior Institute of Engineering (ISEP)‣ Porto , Portugal
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Mestrado em Energias Sustentáveis
Tags: Masters in Porto, Masters in Porto Superior Institute of Engineering, Masters in Portugal, Masters in Sustainable Energy, Masters in Energy, Masters in Energy Studies,
OnlineMasterMáster BIM y Gestión Eficiente de la Energía
Escuela Internacional de Posgrados (EIP)‣ Malaga , Spain
1 year
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Te capacitará para diseñar y gestionar las instalaciones desde el punto de vista de la eficiencia energética en un entorno colaborativo BIM.
Tags: Masters in Malaga Online, Masters in Escuela Internacional de Posgrados Online, Masters in Spain Online, Masters in Energy Management Online, Masters in Energy Studies Online,