Master's in Finance
Nova School of Business and Economics (NOVA SBE)
Location Lisbon, Portugal
Type of Degree Master
Start Date No info
Duration No info
Application Deadline No info
Language English
Attendance On Campus
Dedication Full-time
Pace Instructor-paced
Tuition fees 13250 €
Program description
This program will enable you to develop a solid knowledge, analytical and problem-solving competencies in the financial area. You can choose to focus your studies in Portugal, but there’s also the opportunity to learn across borders and to do business across borders through our international tracks.
Below you can find more information regarding the basic structure of the program, but remember — you can tailormake the curriculum according to your interests. Please have a look at the electives (specialize in a particular field), areas of expertise (focus a part of your studies on a specific area of interest) and professional development modules (let’s talk about responsible leadership and creative thinking) sections as well, to make sure that your Master’s reflects the way you want your career to move.
Basic Structure*
Week 1
Discovery Week
1st Semester (30 ECTS)
Mandatory Courses
Study Trips
Professional Development Modules
Mastering Your Career
Conferences, Meeting with Alumni, Networking Events, Business Forum
2nd Semester (30 ECTS)
Professional Development Modules
Study Trips
Career Development Program
Mastering Your Career
Mentoring Program
Conferences, Meeting with Alumni, Networking Events, Business Forum
3rd Semester (30 ECTS)
Work Project
Career Development Program
Conferences, Meeting with Alumni, Networking Events, Business Forum
* Please note that for the academic year of 2021/2022 this information may be subject to changes.
The Work Project
Students must complete a Master’s Work Project, which is equivalent to a Master's Thesis. You can choose one of the following to finish your studies with flying colors.
Directed Research
An original piece of work on a topic proposed and supervised by a professor. This may also take the form of a case study (this option is exclusive for Double Degrees & prospective Ph. D. students).
Field Lab
A group project developed in collaboration with a public or private institution and under supervision by a professor.
An internship where students develop a project in a problem-solving format for a company, in response to a predefined question/problem raised by the host organization and under the supervision of a Nova SBE Professor. Students may apply for internships offered by Nova SBE or obtain one directly from a company through their own contacts.
ECTS this, ECTS that
How does the grading system work?
Grading is based upon the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) a grading scale developed to facilitate the understanding and comparison of grades given according to different national systems.
We did the math for you, and the awarding of ECTS grades per curriculum component breaks down as follows:
in Mandatory Courses including the Mastering Your Career Activities
(Bridging courses not included)
in Elective Courses (minimum)
in Professional Development Modules
MS Excel Certification
in the Work Project
You need a minimum of 90 ECTS to complete your Master’s, but if you need 120 ECTS to proceed with your studies, you can extend your Master’s by one semester with courses (28 ECTS) and modules (2 ECTS).