Maria Gomez Martin

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flag-es Spain
flag-it Italy

Following these universities

Forum entries by Maria

  • Forum

    Erasmus Potenza 2017 / 2018 (Español)

    Hola, soy estudiante de historia de Granada y me han dado la beca Erasmus para el proximo curso, no tengo mucha informacion acerca de la ciudad, por eso me gustaria saber si teneis informacion de los alojamientos, la universidad, la vida en general alli! muchas...

  • Forum

    Erasmus Potenza 2017 / 2018 (English)

    Hello, I am student from University of Granada  ( Spain ) and the next year I am going to go to Potenza. I want to know something about the city, a place to stay, university.. and the life in general there! Thank you so much :)

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