Laura Zurita de Bustos

Following these cities

flag-es Spain
flag-nl Netherlands

Roommates Laura

  • Spanish girl loking for a flat-share in Valencia

    Hello, I'm Laura and I'm from the north of Spain, this year I'm going to start my degree in Valencia and I would like to share house with international people. I am a polite, cheerful and friendly person who wants to make new friends while living together.  I like...

    11 months ago
  • 18 year old girl who wants to improve her English

    Hi , my name is Laura and im from the north of spain, im 18 and I need a room from January to June shared with students around 18-25 if possible girls, my budget is around 800 € month. I want to find a house where I feel good, with nice people who can be good friends,...

    one year ago
  • Chica de 18 años que quiere mejorar su inglés

    Soy muy alegre y maja, amo a los animales y busco compañeros de piso que tengan una edad parecida a la mia o que me saquen unos pocos años. Soy ordenada y se me da bien cocinar, limpiar, vamos en general estar pendiente de mis cosas por lo que es facil convivir...

    one year ago

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