Joana Maricato

Following these cities

flag-pt Portugal
flag-nl Netherlands

Roommates Joana

  • Looking for a room from January on!

    Hey! I am looking for a nice room in Lyon, preferably in a flat with maximum 4 persons and in the 1st or 2nd district. I am moving in January to do my final MSc internship (for 6 months). Currently I live in Holland (where I study), but I am portuguese and 22y old. I am...

    10 years ago
  • Looking for a room from January on!

    Hey! I am looking for a nice room in Lyon, preferably in a flat with maximum 4 persons and in the 1st or 2nd district. I am moving in January to do my final MSc internship (for 6 months). Currently I live in Holland (where I study), but I am portuguese and 22y old. I am...

    10 years ago

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