Gabriella-Alexandra  Szabo

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flag-pt Portugal
Ponta Delgada
flag-ro Romania

Places by Gabriella-Alexandra

  • Miradouro da Lagoa do Canario

    I think i met my soul place. I consider it the most beautiful place in the world and it's called Miradouro da Lagoa do Canario. I love it because it's like... when you want to get a thing in your life, you have to work for it. Here is the same thing. You have to climb a...

    0 , 8 years ago
  • Lake "Sete Cidades"

    Sete Cidades is the most beautiful lake on São Miguel Island. It's a volcanic lake composed by 2 small lakes, one blue and the other one green. Everytime there are a lot of turists there and it's one of my favorite places in the Azores. If you ever go to the Azores,...

    0 , 8 years ago
  • Louvre Micaelense

    If you're going to Ponta Delgada in a trip or something like that, I advice you to go to Louvre Micaelense, where in my opinion you can drink the best galão in town. Galão it's a portuguese traditional coffee and P. S. it's very good. Despite the fact that it's a pub,...

    0 , 8 years ago

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