Krakow trip - part 1

Published by flag-pt Fabio Barcelos — 8 years ago

Blog: Warsaw
Tags: flag-pl Erasmus blog WULS-SGGW, WULS-SGGW, Poland

Chaper 5 - part 1 

One of the most important memories of my erasmus experience. So, in order, to properly discuss it I will talk about it in parts so the text doesn't get to big or too boring for you :)

   Since, as you all know by now, I was living in an apartment far away from the university I was always learning stuff late. This trip to krakow was one of them, good thing my relation with the greek-french mafia was awesome, they would tell me what to do and how to apply to certain things. After I started to follow the daily activities of erasmus people in SGGW on facebook everything got a little easier, anyways, so my friends told me about this trip to Krakow that the ESN was organizing and I immediately went to sign up for the trip since I was always interested in visiting the concentration camp of Auschwitz and the art surronding this old medieval city.

   The day for the trip came pretty early, that must be due to the fact that me and my "friend" were some of the last ones to apply for the trip, nevertheless we had made it. The buss was full of people, people who I hadn't even met at that point, that just showed me how much more people I still hadn't properly met or talked to. For some reason, which I really don't know why, I travelled really light. I only took with me my backpack with some clothes, I must have made the wrong calculations for the number of days we would spend in Krakow, since I only had one or two spares of clothing and only the little hoddie I had on my body. It's funny now that I remember it, because I didn't even brought comfortable clothes to sleep in, I was "recycling" what I had wearing before, but all of this about the clothes hadn't crossed my mind the entire 4h we spend on the bust to get to Krakow.


   The journey there was great and funny, I remember me and "napoleon" messing around with the greek girls in front of us and the guys taking selfies all the time. It was an awesome time, one that I would to anything to go back to.


   On the way, some people behind us were making a ton of noise, which I was getting pretty tired of, but what I didn't know at the time, was that the ones doing all of that noise were my fellow portuguese comrades. I never cared to look behind me so I never knew it was them, only when the buss stopped in our first destination did I found out it was them. That gave an opportunity to meet their friends, also portuguese, so now our portuguese mafia was huge! Moving on, our first stop was this old salt mine that reached one hundred and something meters deep underground. That thing even had a little church inside. It was hard to imagine people working during the middle age in such conditions, where there was almost no light and no freaking elevator to go up and down! We spent maybe 2h there and there was chambers all along the way with so much to read and see, even this little bar or coffee place where you could eat or drink something and take some time to relax or go to the bathroom. After a little brake we took this really small elavator that could fit about 3 or 4 people and went back to the survace. 


I will finish part 1 here before it get's too long, thank you for your time in reading this chapter and if you want to keep following up my experiences in Poland, just be a little patient for my new entries. I will leave you a few images of the salt mine and my awesome group of friends, enjoy! 


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