Erasmus Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
in studios Vienna
in studios Vienna
in studios Vienna
Experience in Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Austria by Markus
Source Generally, what is Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien like? The first thing everyone will notice about WU are it's modern buildings and clean infrastructure. And it is big. The university is very well connected to the rest of the city via subway. It is great to study...
Experience in Vienna University of Economics and Business
Source Generally, what is Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration like? It is the largest university focusing on business and economics in Europe. You do not pay any study fees and, in relation to that, the quality of the education received is...
Experience in Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Austria by Alexandra
Generally, what is Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration like? The campus is just amazing! The people are on the other hand not extremely sociable but I think this is different when you are an exchange student! What are the tutors like? There are...