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Experience in University of Wisconsin-Madison, United States by Katie

Generally, what is University of Wisconsin-Madison like?

UW-Madison is a large school (about 40,000 students) with incredibly diverse academics. The university is located between two lakes which provides a lot of opportunity for outdoor activities. Athletics are a significant part of the school. If you like sports, football (American) and basketball games are a ton of fun! Additionally, there are a lot of student organizations and plenty of opportunities to get involved in extracurricular activities.

What are the facilities like?

Some old, some new. Campus is very big, so the facilities are very different depending on where you are.

What are the tutors like?

Tutoring is a very available resource. Many schools offer free tutoring.

Are the lessons easy in University of Wisconsin-Madison?

I would say in general no. Although it really depends on the type of course.

Does the University organise activities? If so, what are they like?

There is plenty of opportunity to get involved. There are constantly sports games, professional presentations, live music, etc...

Do you think there is a good quality of teaching?

For the most part yes. If I were an exchange student I would take more interesting humanities classes. You can go to a website called ratemyprofessor.com to see who the highest rated professors are at the university.

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