Bruno Ribeiro
Written 14 years ago
Hi all,
I will go to Wien with another portuguese friend. We'll stay in gaesthaus in sechshauserstraBe and we arrive in 7/2/2011. Anyone staying there too ?
We have a little problem - we arrive to wien only at 23.20, so we can get in the studenthouse only around midnight, and of course they can't give us the keys at that time. Could anyone (staying in gaesthaus too) get the keys and give us when we arrive ?
Thanks in advance :D
Bruno Marta
Written 14 years ago
I'm the Portuguese friend :D
If someone would be kind enough to do that favor for us (described above), we'd be very grateful :D
Good luck to all
Constantinos Christoudias
Written 14 years ago
Hey brunos...:)...i'm also going to stay in gaesthaus sechshauserstraBe...i could do that for you but i think you might need to inform the administration of oead that you allow me to get the key for you...:)
Bruno Marta
Written 14 years ago
Thanks :D
We will tell them and then contact you by PM!
Thank you very much
Bis bald :P
Inger Romanenko
Written 14 years ago
Im also coming to Vienna to study during summer semester. Does anyone stay at WIHAST?? Its not an erasmus dormitory so im looking forward to meet friendly people to hang out with during my stay :) You can contact me: [email protected]
Çağla Güngör
Written 14 years ago
Hi :)
I will also be an erasmus student in 2010/2011 spring semester , in TU Wien. Is there anybody who will attend the german intensive course? :) Ans does anyone stay in ÖSFS Schäffergasse?
Good luck to all ;)
s Barcia
Written 14 years ago
Hey there! I just arrived to Vienna a few days ago and I'm looking forward to meeting some internationals and maybe getting a Spanish-German Tandem. Anyone interested??
See you!
Pavel Payne
Written 13 years ago
Hi guys! I'm currently in Vienna on an Erasmus-like program (OeAD Aktion) and I'm studying (and finishing my MSc thesis) at scientific institute near Vienna. Therefore I'm meeting rather scientists than students in my age and I'd like to join some student activities here. So are here any Erasmus events or other international spare time events? You can contact me here at the forum or via pavelpayne(at)
Thanx and have a nice time in Vienna! ;)
Łukasz Jarząbek
Written 13 years ago
Hi everybody! I'm going to be an Erasmus in both semesters 2011/2012, in TU Wien. I want to attend this german intensive course :) so we wil meet us Cagia Gungor there :)). At the moment I'm searching a free room in Vienne. If somebody from you is looking for a flatemate - here i am - contact with me under my email for more details: [email protected]
Greetings for everyone!
Nicole Soon
Written 13 years ago
I hope you enjoy new student life in new city and school with friends. If you already feel good fit in there, why don't you try new stuff?
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