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Les Jardins de Versailles

  - 1 opinions

Royal nature

Published by flag-br Ethel Rudnitzki — 5 years ago

Chateau de Versailles is the biggest castle in the world and has also the most enormous garden you'll ever see. With more than 800 hectares, Les Jardins de Versailles have more than 30 different mini gardens and woods in it, and many sculptures and fountains from the 17th century and older. 

Royal nature

The gardens are perfectly projected and aligned, following a big waterway that forms a cross in the middle of it. Also, inside the gardens you'll find other palaces and castles, as well as little stores and restaurants.  


Les Jardins used to be a place for the royals to hunt before the 16th century, when the Chateau was just a country house. When the king Luis XIV got to power, the official royal house was transfered from Paris to Versailles and the gardens became much more than a hunting place. 

Royal nature

The king hired a landscaper called Andre Le Notre, who made the gardens and woods perfectly aligned and simetrical and used plants from all over the world as a way of enhance the royal power and its beauty. 

Royal nature

The project took many decades to get ready and it inaugurated a new way of landscaping: French garden style - meaning a garden with plants and flowers cut in simetrical shapes, almost like a natural mosaic. 

Besides the plants, many sculptures and fountains were brought to the gardens by the monarchs, who wanted the jardins to be even more luxurious. Also, other palaces were built in the domains of the gardens dedicated to the queens.

Royal nature

Maria Antonieta, a queen married to the king Luis XVI, whose head was cut during the French Revolution, was a great enthusiastic of the gardens. She had another palace built for her inside the jardins and a private garden, as well as a replication of a french village so she could feel in contact with what she tought would be a rustic lifestyle (not at all).

Royal nature

Other extravaganzas made in the jardins were the animals brought from all over the world for the amusement of the royal family. Elephants, Giraffes, Monkeys, Peacocks, and many other exotic animals lived in the gardens in a king of a zoo. 

Once you visit this place you'll understand why the French were so angry at their monarchy. How could they live in such luxury and charge taxes from the poor? 

Royal nature

That is why, during the French Revolution in 1789, people invaded the Castle and killed the monarchs, ending the absolutism regime. 


The gardens are open for visitations every day from 9 am to 8 pm and the entrance is free (but I advice people to visit the Chateau and other palaces as well, even though tickets are required). 

Inside them you'll be able to see all fountains, plants, lakes and waterways built for the royalties. They are all very beautiful and simetrical, but represent power and unequality. Very intresting and historical. 

Royal nature

The gardens are so big you may get lost inside them, so be sure to have a map (you can get one in the internet or in the information cabins inside near the castles). Also, it is impossible to visit the hole garden in just a day (maybe even two), so choose the parts you prefere. I reccomend visiting the fountains and woods closest to the main castle and the ones near the Maria Antonieta domain. Also, don't miss the Grand Canal (big waterway). 

To visit all that you can rent a bike (for 5 euros half and hour or 7 euros each hour), get the train inside the gardens that take you from the main castle to the queen's domain (7,50 euros) or even have a boat ride in the main waterway (for 13 euros). I did everything by foot so I could take pictures and spend more time where I liked the most, but it is a really tiring option - if you have knee, back or feet problems I don't reccomend doing so. 

The best time of the year to visit the gardens are during summer, when it is sunny almost everyday, but during autumn and spring it can also be really pretty with redish or flowered paisages. It is a must see any time of the year! 

Royal nature


The jardins are located just in front and around the Chateau, in the village of Versailles - half hour train from Paris. To get there you can get the RER C train in the center of Paris and get down at Versailles Rive Gauche station. The ticket costs 3,70 euros and it is the best way to get there. 

Even though it can be quite far away and the visit takes a lot of time and effort (because you'll have to walk a lot) it is totally worth it. You'll feel inside a fairy tale and also inside French history. If you go to Paris for more than 3 days, don't miss it! 

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