Anastasiya Guziy
Written 9 years ago
Hi, everyone;)
My name is Anastasiya and I am going to study in EASD from the end of January 2016. I am ukrainian, but currently study Communication Design in Poland at School of Form. Hablo Espanos un poco and I'd like to improve it. So if you would like to learn some Polish, Russian or Ukrainian - here you are. I love to travel and making foreign friends, so, if you are the futher EASD student or another University in Valencia, feel free to write me!
I am looking forward to come to Valencia and see everyting and everybody on my own eyes! So see you there;)
Jo On
Written 9 years ago
We are looking for one more person to join us in our lovely 5 bedroom flat. We don't mind either male or female. 3 of us are from the UK and the other is from France. The flat is very close to UV,UPV and is in the Benimaclet area. The total cost of the flat is 850 euros . The extra room we are renting out only costs 160 euros excluding bills. The bills are shared equally. If you're interested, message me on here .. We welcome anyone from any background, nationality, gender etc .. Feel free to contact me. Happy to give more details
Mariette M.
Written 9 years ago
Hello! :)
We are looking for a Spanish girl or a girl speaking Spanish who would like to live in a flat near Blasco Ibañez with us, the flat has 3 rooms and is not far from Universidad de Valencia...
If you want more information and if you are interested, contact me !! :)