Erasmusu Staff
Written 12 years ago
¡Bienvenido al foro de Erasmus Valencia 2013 / 2014!
Este es el lugar para que todos los Erasmus y estudiantes de intercambio que vamos a Valencia en 2013 / 2014 nos presentemos y conozcamos antes de llegar. Preséntate y pregunta tus dudas sobre los precios y cuánto se gasta en Valencia, dónde comer, los sitios para salir de fiesta Erasmus o cualquier otra duda que tengas. También puedes ver:
- Los alojamientos en Valencia
- Otros estudiantes que buscan alojamiento
- Trabajo para estudiantes en Valencia
- El foro general de Valencia
- Los blogs Erasmus de Valencia
- Qué ver en Valencia, la fiesta Erasmus, dónde comer
- Experiencias Erasmus en Valencia
- La gente que estuvo, está y estará en Valencia
- La galería de fotos de Valencia
- El tiempo y mapa de Valencia
- Las universidades de Valencia
¡Atención para los que quieren anunciar su alojamiento o están buscándolo! Para anunciar tu alojamiento en Valencia o para buscar compañeros de piso, no utilices este el foro sino la sección alojamiento de Valencia.
Livin' la vida Erasmus!
Maxim Moumni
Written 12 years ago
Looking for room or flat in valencia?
For all new erasmus stduents you can visit your new website designed only for you that you can make your reservation online don´t loose time and prepare your accomodation quickly so you can visit your
Capucine S
Written 11 years ago
Soy francesa y inglesa. Voy a estudiar en Valencía (UV) el año proximo. Me gustaría vivir en Valencia con hispanohablantes para mejorar mi nivel en español y quizas ayudar a otros con el ingles o el frances! :) Avísame
Andrea A
Written 11 years ago
Hola a todos!
Yo tambien voy a estudiar en valencia el proximo ano!!
Hablo solo un poco de espanol, ingles y Italiano, el mi idioma! :)
No quiero que estar con los italianos porque me gustaria aprender el espanol y tambien mejorar l'ingles o frances! :)
Lena Jottpunkt
Written 11 years ago
Hey guys! Are you going to make a Spanish course? Where?
Que Coño
Written 11 years ago
Nuria SB
Written 11 years ago
Hi everybody! My name is Nuria and i'm spanish. I'm a student of the UV (tarongers campus) but last year I was an erasmus student too, so I'd like to keep in touch with international people. I remember the feeling of waiting impatiently until the day arrived and now, without realising, i'm back to Spain. I always want to meet new people!
Feel free to ask any doubt you may have about accomodation, university, way of life, transport, blablabla. and I'll be happy to help. Also we can meet when you arrive to solve any problem you have. I know how tough it can be to be a foreigner in a new country.
Just contact me!
P.S. Excuse my spelling mistakes, please, my English is not as good as it should.See? Avoid spending all your time with people from your country or you won't improve your Spanish!
Josephine Fernandez
Written 11 years ago
Hi everybody,
There is an Spanish School at El Carmen, I have asked information for a friend of mine and there are special courses for Erasmus, the school is cool and in a nice place:El Carmen! They have not yet web site but if some one is interested I have the phone number and the mail ;) It´s "El Carmen Spanish School" at the calle alta
María de
Written 11 years ago
Hi!I'm Maria and I´m going to study in Valencia for this year wih a mobility program into Spain. I have a flat and I´m looking for a flatmate so if someone is interested contact with me!
mickael goldschmidt
Written 11 years ago
Hi everybody,
Is anyone going in Erasmus to Valencia but at "La Florida" in Catarroja a little city closed to Valencia ?
Samantha Goodwill
Written 11 years ago
Why? What happened? Did they not give you classes?
Warum? Was hat gemacht? Haben Sie keine Kurse ihr lehren?
Josephine Fernandez
Written 11 years ago
Hola a todos,
Voy a clase de español con una amiga en EL CARMEN SPANISH SCHOOL, las clases estan muy bien, I recommend it! Hacemos salidas, clases de conversacion gratis...
Venir! es muy divertido!
Borja Garrido
Written 11 years ago
Good evening!! If someone is going to study in Valencia and need some help, just contact with me , I am studying in Valencia also and I know all the problems you can find :)
Alice Thiery
Written 11 years ago
Hello Borja ! I'm going to Valencia from 12th march at 21th june. Can i ask your advice please? I'm french and i want find an house with other erasmus students and differents nationalities. Do you know it? Bye
Anabel Navarro
Written 11 years ago
Hi hi everybody! My name is Anabel and I live in Valencia. I just created a useful blog in this webpage to help students as all of you :D
The first post is linked here. If you have any doubt or you would to know something specifically, just go and ask! I will be reallt grateful asking your doubts and helping you with any question.
Valencia is an awesome city that you can enjoy in many ways.
Thank you for reading, don't hesitate about asking :D
Pablo Albiol
Written 11 years ago
Hi all, I'm a 21 year old spanish UPV student who enjoys sports and meeting my friends. I'm looking for someone who wants to do a language exchange with me. I'd like to practice my english and I can help you with your spanish. If you are new in Valencia, I can help you in anything you need too!
If you are interested, contact me!