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Experience in University of Worcester, United Kingdom by Elena-Beatrice

Generally, what is University of Worcester like?

I feel that compared to the exchange university I have been to, Worcester is really easy. Not so much pressure is put on academic results, but rather activities outside the uni work.

What are the facilities like?

The facilities are really great. Up-to-date and everything is easy to access online even if sometimes there are problems with the servers they are quickly fixed.

What are the tutors like?

Depends on the tutors. Some are friendlier than other of course. But it really is a shame that we cannot discuss our paper with the teacher before submitting it. Like what to write, what to add, what to remove. They do not tell stuff like that. They do not even read the papers prior to submitting them!

Are the lessons easy in University of Worcester?

I think they are OK. But having only 4 or 5 courses a semester is really easy. Is not putting such a great pressure on the students.

Does the University organise activities? If so, what are they like?

They do. But not all students participate in them. I think activities should focus more on talking with people from different companies or abroad schools for a semester abroad. Maybe even people who are successful just to come in and talk with students.

Do you think there is a good quality of teaching?

I think it depends on the teacher, module and also the students that you share a class with. I think more homework and free internships could be a way to improve the quality of teaching.

Are there any stories you can share?

Not really.

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