Memory Value !!!
Like many parents, my father was not happy about the way his daughter lived. Although my father does not prohibit me from doing anything (up to this age, who is forbidding me?), But sometimes I have comments on my lack of savings. The reason, not because I shop too much, but actually, I have to go out with money. Most recently, Dad said traveling did not solve the problem. Water is still a people's country, the beautiful scene is still beautiful people, I have to look at how much more, only a few days, and nothing to become his. I do not mind watching ... Discovery or National Geographic: just cheap, just have a lot of beautiful scenery, just have to go (!).
Of course Dad is worried about my future. The future, that is, five years, ten years, twenty years. No worries, when I myself do not think much about my future. I usually drive quite fast, stay up late until 2 am, do not have regular medical checkups, do not go for motor maintenance, and do not save money for "body room".
Actually, for fear of the future, I think I have to make the most of my time. I am scared of the prospect of someday becoming a grandmother, busy all day in my life to take care of a bunch of kids. Do not be misunderstood, I do not think that is the hell - probably these "aunts" are happy in their own way, just not ready for such a life. I was scared, really scared. I'm living my youth, but that means I'm watching my youth pass. Little by little one.
So, oh, the world has so many things I do not know. Three quarters of the earth is water! Yet I have not even discovered how much in an immense fourth (that is, the vast ocean). I was afraid I did not know anything, then "hastily" become old and busy crazy. I'm afraid that in the next fifteen years, I will regret infinitely, if I do not live today like this: enjoy life and do all that I like - all. So I have to compete - to compete with myself. The following year must go more than the previous year. New year must be "more exciting" than the old year, with more activities, more "been there, done that". And books bought, then try to read for all. Do not read 100%, you have to try to read 70% (write this line, I panic realized that I only "digest" about 60% of books in the room only - but that I have tried very hard ).
In my opinion, I did not get much from the trip, but it cost me a lot of money. That is somewhat true. When I recalculated the money I earned last year, I really felt "shocked." It turned out, if I did not travel and used the money to set up a savings account, I had accumulated a deposit. rather. Anyway, I also worked hard, and tried to do more. Of course, I did not become a billionaire (for God, I was just a normal state official), but I certainly had some relative 'guaranteed' savings. Also, although I did earn some money by writing travel articles for newspapers and magazines, that was not worth the price I spent on travel. I know - the price to pay for his "vanity" fun.
Today, when I moved back to my own room and looked back at English-language magazines, with bills of exchange overseas and old air tickets (somehow, I did not want to throw them away), I realized, The most precious asset I have is commemoration. I'm not going to say that memory is worth more than money - no, I love money, especially when money helps me "buy" new memories - but I have always treasured the memories. The photos I've been shooting for a few years, I never deleted - but kept in a folder on my computer. In that folder there are small folders where I go, what I do. And I always try to write about my special experiences, so as not to forget the interesting stories along the way. I do not want to forget something - aside from the bitterness that made me want to choke on some people, but sometimes even that bitter - because all these "assets" created me. my body.
But, after thinking about it, I think my dad says there are (many) parts right.
So, I just set up an online savings account with my bank - to send some money into it every month. A little, a little, but know, that money will grow up, and become a property - the meaning of the word "property" for me is any kind of value that makes me happy.
Btw, whether people can say that I am poor or wasting money for travelling, but in my mind, I strongly believe that I am rich in terms of memory values.
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