Experience in University of Leipzig, Germany by Betty
Generally, what is University of Leipzig like?
It a good place for humanities and history courses
What are the facilities like?
The best
What are the tutors like?
Are the lessons easy in University of Leipzig?
Does the University organise activities? If so, what are they like?
Yes. I mostly enjoy the workshops and conferences.
Do you think there is a good quality of teaching?
Are there any stories you can share?
Yes. The university staff were so good in assisting me and my team colaborate with medical department to have data for the use of green space in managing deprassion. This was a milestone for my team
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Comments (1 comments)
Julieta López 5 years ago
Hello! I will go to Leipzig for the winter courses. I am a law student, so I would like to know what courses you took because I can not find anything about humanities in English for the second semester. I will be in Leipzig only for six months, so the course should be short. I can do some course to learn German, but I do not find any either. Can you help me? Thanks