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Erasmus experiences Universität Leipzig

  • 8 / 10 points

    Experience in University of Leipzig, Germany by Betty

    Generally, what is University of Leipzig like? It a good place for humanities and history coursesWhat are the facilities like? The bestWhat are the tutors like? GoodAre the lessons easy in University of Leipzig? AvarageDoes the University organise activities? If so,...

    1 , 7 years ago
  • 10 / 10 points

    I thought I knew German, but then I went to Germany...

    Prior Erasmus I have been learning German since the mere age of 11. As of September 2016, I was ecstatic to finally have the opportunity to venture out to Germany and put my well nutured language skills to the test by studying at the Universitaet Leipzig for a semester....

    0 , 7 years ago
  • 8 / 10 points

    Experience in University of Leipzig, Germany by Kira

    Generally, what is University of Leipzig like? Many different cultures and a huge variety of subjects to study. Friendly atmosphereWhat are the facilities like? Noice and mostly new renovated!What are the tutors like? MOst of them are specialised in their topic....

    0 , 9 years ago
  • 9 / 10 points

    Experience in the University of Leipzig, Germany by Qùynh Anh

    Generally, what is the University of Leipzig like? The University itself is beautiful, the main complex is very modern, completely renovated and the classrooms are very bright. Source What are the facilities like? The University is modern and clean. What are the tutors...

    0 , 11 years ago

Experiences in Universität Leipzig in other languages:

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